Take a drive down Main Street on any given Saturday morning, and you will see them - the dedicated and curiously happy members of the Glastonbury River Runners Club. No matter the weather, this group is out in force - rain, snow, extreme cold, oppressive heat - nothing interferes with their Saturday morning ritual.
The "hard cores" start their runs at the crack of dawn, and will log some serious miles before the rest of us get out of bed. Twenty miles is a considered a fun run to this group of well trained athletes.
Then there are the more casual runners. Breaking into teams of various sizes and abilities, they spread throughout the town, prepared to conquer any of the challenges that the streets throw their way.
And finally, there are the training groups. These groups vary in intensity and time commitment, so it is best to check their website to determine what group is best for you.
I am currently in their nine week, couch-to-5K training program, with our first race coming up in mid-April. My ultimate goal is to run the Hartford Half Marathon in October, but I figure it will help to get a few 5K's under my belt before I tackle the big one.
When I first started telling people that I planned on running the Hartford Half Marathon, let's just say the response was less than encouraging. Some people laughed, most didn't believe I was serious. Even my own mother thought I was joking.
And in all fairness, I really can't blame them. I, um, don't exactly have what you would think of as a "runner's physique". In reality, I am a middle-aged, overweight, out-of-shape woman. There, I said it...
But when I am running through the streets of Glastonbury on Saturday morning, there is not one member of this club that doubts that I will do it. It doesn't matter who you run in to (pardon the pun) - a hard core, a walker, or someone in between - they always take a moment to offer you a high-five or some words of encouragement. Nothing like getting to the top of a steep hill, thinking you can't take another step, and hearing a fellow runner say "good job!".
The club welcomes walkers and runners of all ages and abilities. Their passion is to create a supportive environment for everyone to achieve their personal best. So whether you are new to running, or a seasoned vet, their is a group for you. Check out their website at
www.glastonburyriverrunners.com for more information.